Monday, December 24, 2007

General Crap....

So, tomorrow is Christmas day. Rob and I are looking forward to laying around watching A Christmas Story and Trading Places, opening presents and making a nice dinner. No big thrills for us....It's our second Christmas together.

The new job is kind of sucking. Not sure if I like it or not. Not sure what I am really suppose to be doing or how I should start. I have a general idea but have no real direction as to what my authority or limitations are. I'm going to give it a shot will be good to have on my resume.

The cat and dog are getting along for the most part. Pixel gets really jealous of the cat at times but gets over it eventually. It's going to take some time for her to get used to having to share. She is very protective of me and Rob and gets a little crazy at times if the cat gets too close. She snuggles up to me everynight in bed and keeps my hiney warm.

I love living here with Rob but am starting to get bored. I work from home and do not get out of the house much. Yet another reason why the job is sucking. It's dark by the time I get off of work so there's no room to go out, drive around and explore. I need to join a gym or something to get out of the house. I've also put on 10 pounds since I have moved here! Too much food and too little exercise I guess.

Looking forward to the new year and Spring! Once Spring arrives, I will be more apt to get out of the house and learn my way around the city. I've learned some of the side streets on the North East side and can get to all of the places that I need to. It's too damn cold out to go anywhere else so the grocery store, Wal Mart and Kohls are about the only places I go.

I know I sound like I am bitching a lot. I'm actually very happy!! I think that this time in my life right now is the happiest that I have ever been. I'm pretty much at peace with everything and things only seem to get better! I'm really thankful for all that I have...even the job. The job is just something that I have to get use to over time and it will all fall into place eventually. Love and Health are what is most important and I have both!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Work Begins

So, today is my last day of freedom. I begin my new job tomorrow and am torn as to whether or not I am looking forward to it. I am flying to South Carolina in the morning and will begin training as a project manager for a fuel delivery software company. I'm really nervous about it because everyone there seems super smart and on top of their game. I know they would not have offered me the job if they hadn't felt the same way about me! It's just, project management is a highly involved and very difficult job to do. You have to keep everyone on track and be on top of EVERYTHING and step on toes to get your job done. I worry that I am going to go into this without any friends because I am going to be on everyone's case until they get their jobs done!!

Look, I know I can do the job, it's just weird for me to be doing it for another company. I was with my former company for 16 years and it is all that I have ever known. I worry that everyone will be smarter and faster than me. I was one of the golden children at my former company and everyone came to ME for help and for information. I was valued...and I worry that I may not be as valuable here and that worries me. Failure worries me. I need to find my confidence!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Move Complete

Ahhhh, the move to Indianapolis is now complete. It's been a long rough week so far...mainly due to all of the unpacking and cleaning. We have so much work to do but a limited amount of time to do it before Rob goes back to work. We do not want to spend all of our time working on the house while he is on vacation so we are trying to make a little fun time. We managed to make it to the movies earlier in the week and we visited my holy place a few times...yes, I am talking about the Wally World!

I've actually been feeling a little under the weather this week. I'm not sure if it is nerves and stress or if something is going on with me but, only time will tell! It's probably some type of chemical from all of the cleaners I have been using this week. The old bachelor pad is starting to turn into a home now! No more pool table in the middle of the living room and the road gear cases have finally gone back to their rightful owners!! Trust me folks, those two items have been a major battle for the ol' Shannie Bug to win!

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Beginnings

So I'm sitting here on the floor in my empty dining room waiting for my Fiance to arrive. I'm moving to Indianapolis tomorrow to be with him and my life is going to change forever.

I have lived in my apartment for 10 years. I've also lived alone for those 10 years with the exception of one roommate that only lasted for 3 months. I've always been so independent and have never relied upon anyone for anything. The times that I have tried to, I have been let down in the end. I'm getting ready to give up that independence to be with Rob and I'm a little nervous about it. It's not that I think that he will try to change me in any way shape or form, it's just that I have been doing things my way since I was 18 years old and now I have to consider someone else. Sure, I've been in relationships before where I tried to be considerate, but this is on a totally different level. I've always been the one in control...a natural born leader...and I worry that my take charge attitude may rub off on him the wrong way. He's been on his own for a long while also and has his own independence. He has the same fears that I do. But, ultimately, we know that a life without one another would be totally unacceptable! I'm ready to take this plunge and dive in head first and worry about the confrontations later. We have agreed to be patient with one another and to love one another no matter what challenges we face over the next couple of months while we get acclimated to one another. It's gonna be a wild ride!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Miss the kitty

Dropped off Boo in Indy this past weekend. It's going to be more than 2 weeks before I get to see him again. I miss my little buddy....


Enough already!! November 3rd had better get here soon or I'm going to kick it's ass!! I wish I could move TODAY!! I would so love to walk in to my job tomorrow and tell them I quit but I will uphold my promise to stay until the end of the month. I'm sure I will miss people but I will not miss the job!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Truly Blessed

Great things have happened in my life this year....I feel truly blessed by the man above!

I've found happiness in my love life and am now engaged.

I excelled at the workplace and was promoted to a higher position in the company.

I gave my notice at work so that I can move to Indianapolis to be with my fiance and in return was offered a job by one of our partnering companies.

My new job will allow me to work from home and also travel the country for free. It also pays me more than I am making now and appears to offer great benefits (will know more about the health and dental benefits once I begin working)!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

On the brink....

Here it is. October 1st...the beginning of my last month at work and my last month in Missouri. Exciting and scary all at the same time. My fiance came to town last weekend and moved a load of my furniture and boxes which has made the fact that I am moving all the more real to me. This past weekend I cleaned out my spare closets and found a ton of old pictures that brought back a lot of great memories. It actually made me sad and a bit depressed that I am leaving...but, I have to remember that those are only pictures and that the girl who is in most of them no longer exists. Those friends have long since moved on in their lives and it is time that I do so in mine.

I have no idea what the future is going to hold for me. I'm moving to Indy for love and that is all that I am going to have! I do not have a job or anything lined up yet...for once in my life, I am being irresponsible! I never thought in a million years I would quit my job when I have so many bills to pay. I began saving money though several months ago and will have plenty to tie me over until I find a I can't say that I'm being too risky! I'm going to be alright no matter what job I find. My fiance is a great guy and will take care of me and will see to it that I am happy and well taken care of. I will do the same for him...we waited a long time to find this kind of happiness. We deserve every ounce that we get!

I'm traveling to Indy in a couple of weeks to open up a new bank account and to drop off my kitty Boo at my new house. I am going to go 3 whole weeks without seeing him...I'm already feeling lonely and depressed! You never realize just how much a pet means to you until they are gone. My fiance is going to have a lovely time cleaning his litter box!! LOL

Friday, August 24, 2007


Call me a sinner for advocating death but this sick Fu#ker is going to get what he deserves. Now, if they would just do it soon and not allow him any appeals, the world will be a better place! I feel that any man who rapes a child and buries her alive should suffer the same fate. Unfortunately, he is going to have a painless death by injection.... I'm reminded of the movie Little Nicky with Adam Sandler...every day they bring Hitler into Satan's office and shove a different type of device up his ass. Maybe this will happen to John Couey when he reaches hell.

Now, would you like me to tell you what I really think? LOL

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Only 76 more shopping days until I move to Indianapolis. Only 55 more working days!!! I'm taking an entire month...maybe from working once I move out to Indy. I've been busting my hump and being a good girl saving up enough money so that we can live comfortably in case the new job search doesn't go so well.

I've worked for the same company for the last 16 years. It's the only full time job that I have ever had. I love the company, I love the people at our office....I just hate my current position. Not my job title mind you; it is one that I have been waiting for for a very long time. I just hate the monotony of it all. The same people calling day in and day out with the exact same problems as they had the day before. you would think that these people would be able to figure shit out on their own after awhile, but no - some of them are just as helpless now as they were 5 years ago when we installed them with a computer system. I'm definitely going to try to find a job where I will not be required to provide technical support to ANYONE!!

I want to take my time and figure out exactly what it is I want to do. This is my opportunity to totally re-invent what I want to do and be who I want to be without others passing judgement on me. Hell, I may find that working at Wal Mart or Taco Bell is my true passion!! I may end up working 10 different jobs over the next year until I find something that suits me and truly makes me happy. I'm really excited to get started and just hope and pray that I find something that is rewarding to me...that I feel passionate about and that I enjoy doing. I'm tired of waking up each morning with the feeling of dread....I need a change dammit!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

I'm Engaged!

So the time has finally come. I can tell everyone what happened during my last trip to Indianapolis. The Shannie Bug got engaged and is moving to Indianapolis in October/November!!! I'm so excited! Not only have I found my future husband; I have found my best friend and I cannot wait until we begin our lives together. I get to move to a new city and make a new start with my life. I can be whoever I want to be...I can take my time and figure out what type of job I would like take and make sure that it is really something that I will want to do. For the first time in my life I can truly say that I am happy and that I am excited about life.

I had to keep it as a secret for a bit while I worked some things out with my employers. Not that I could'nt tell everyone before, but I decided to wait and see how things played out before making the announcement. I've worked long and hard for my company and did not want to burn any bridges on my way out. I still have a couple of months left at the company and I hope they pass by quickly so I can start my new life.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I'm not a very interesting person and I can never think of anything to write about besides my cat.....

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Some People Should Not Be Allowed to Have Children!

ARLINGTON, Texas — A 24-year-old Texas mother is in jail after she treated her 2-year-old son's head injury with a Popsicle instead of calling 9-1-1.
Ebony Thorne's son Joshua later died of the injury.
Arlington police said the boy fell eight feet down a U-shaped stairwell in Thorne's apartment Wednesday morning. Investigators said instead of calling for an ambulance, Thorne placed a Popsicle on her son's head and put him to bed.
When the boy's father arrived later, he found Joshua unresponsive. Police said he called Thorne's mother, who drove to the apartment from Fort Worth and called 911.
Officers found bruises and marks around the toddler's head and dried blood on his nose and mouth.
Thorne's charged with injury to a child by omission/criminal negligence. Her 3-year-old son and 10-month-old girl were returned to their grandmother, who had custody of all three children.


POLAND - A baby boy in Poland was born drunk.
Doctors decided to check his blood-alcohol level because his mother was drunk when she arrived to give birth.
What they saw frightened them.
A doctor tells the PAP news agency that 12 hours after he was born, the boy had a blood-alcohol level six times the legal limit for driving. That means he was drunk before he was even born. He weighed five pounds, seven ounces at birth.
Doctors say the baby will likely suffer permanent neurological damage from his mother's drinking.


RENO, Nev. — A couple authorities say were so obsessed with the Internet and video games that they left their babies starving and suffering other health problems have pleaded guilty to child neglect.
The children of Michael and Iana Straw, a boy age 22 months and a girl age 11 months, were severely malnourished and near death last month when doctors saw them after social workers took them to a hospital, authorities said. Both children are doing well and gaining weight in foster care, prosecutor Kelli Ann Viloria told the Reno Gazette-Journal.
Michael Straw, 25, and Iana Straw, 23, pleaded guilty Friday to two counts each of child neglect. Each faces a maximum 12-year prison sentence.
Viloria said the Reno couple were too distracted by online video games, mainly the fantasy role-playing "Dungeons & Dragons" series, to give their children proper care.
"They had food; they just chose not to give it to their kids because they were too busy playing video games," Viloria told the Reno Gazette-Journal.
Police said hospital staff had to shave the head of the girl because her hair was matted with cat urine. The 10-pound girl also had a mouth infection, dry skin and severe dehydration.
Her brother had to be treated for starvation and a genital infection. His lack of muscle development caused him difficulty in walking, investigators said.
The Straws have been given public defenders. The Associated Press left a message Saturday with the public defender's office.
Michael Straw is an unemployed cashier, and his wife worked for a temporary staffing agency doing warehouse work, according to court records. He received a $50,000 inheritance that he spent on computer equipment and a large plasma television, authorities said.
While child abuse because of drug addiction is common, abuse rooted in video game addiction is rare, Viloria said.
Last month, experts at an American Medical Association meeting backed away from a proposal to designate video game addiction as a mental disorder, saying it had to be studied further. Some said the issue is like alcoholism, while others said there was no concrete evidence it's a psychological disease.
Patrick Killen, spokesman for Nevada Child Abuse Prevention, said video game addiction's correlation to child abuse is "a new spin on an old problem."
"As we become more technologically advanced, there's more distractions," Killen said. "It's easy for someone to get addicted to something and neglect their children. Whether it's video games or meth, it's a serious issue, and (we) need to become more aware of it."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Return from Indy

Well folks, I returned home from my Indy vacation on Sunday. It was a really fantastic trip!! Even on the 4th of July when Rob had to work a gig, it was great! His mother and I hung out at the bar while he worked and the band was gracious enough to let him come up and play a song on his guitar. Boo Kitty got along fine with Rob's dog Pixel after a day or two of hissing and eventually, they both slept in bed with us. Something else happened while I was in Indy that I am not able to divuldge at this particular time, but, let me tell you....IT WAS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!! I'll share more at a later date.

I returned home on sunday night feeling a little depressed. I spent the week with Rob and then had to come home to an empty house....all that was waiting for me was my laundy! Boo Kitty was still a little drugged up from the trip so he wasn't much fun either. I've never really been a person who feels lonely when i am at home by myself. Hell, I usually prefer it!! Now that I have Rob in Indy, I find myself feeling a little more lonely every day that passes by without him....

Okay, enough of that cry baby shit. I expected to return to the office and have a ton of work and e-mails waiting for me but instead, found my desk empty and only a minimal amount of e-mails to return. I love it when other people take initiative and take care of things themselves rather than waiting for me to handle's been a nice calm quiet week so far and I'm friggin lovin it!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Heading out to Indy!!

Well, it's finally here...MY VACATION!!! I'm heading East to Indianapolis to see my boyfriend and meet his mother. I'm taking Boo Kitty with me and am hoping that he gets along well with Rob's dog Pixel. I think they are going to love each other and get along just fine...they both need more play stimulation that they are not getting from their mommy and daddy!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Anywho's, the 4th is going to suck. My boyfriend has to work that night which means I either have to sit around his house and stare at the walls or go with him to his gig and listen to loud music and be around a bunch of drunk assholes. Maybe his mother and I can find something else to doo......

Monday, June 25, 2007

My Boo Boo Kitty

Well folks, my Boo Boo kitty and I are entering week 3 of our new found friendship. Boo was brought to my attention a little over a month ago while my downstairs neighbors were moving out. Apparently, the marriage had soured and the wife took off; the husband was left moving all of their belongings out of the house and, in a cold blooded manner, left behind their cat. For nearly two weeks I was awakened every night by the sound of Boo getting into fights with other neighborhood strays. My heart ached for him because I knew that he was a common house cat thrown out into a strange new world having to scavenge for food and fight for his life. I noticed that he had been hiding in the tree next to my stairs so I started feeding him and eventually, he trusted me and allowed me to pet him. It wasn't long after that he was brought into my home and became little Boo boo...I could instantly tell how greatful he was.

So as the first week passed, he became more comfy and began to play and claw...claw me, claw the furniture, the carpet, the rugs.....I decided to have him neutered and declawed. I took him to the vet and they gave him all of his shots an deemed him healthy enough for the surgery. The next morning, Boo kitty was put under the knife and surgery was performed. My poor little guy was all bandaged up and looking pathetic when I picked him up at the vet. The next couple of days were kind of touch and go after that. He hated his bandages and did his best to let me know it, he barely ate or drank anything and he meowed a sad little meow an awful lot. He got his revenge on me by taking a piss on my couch (luckily, I caught him in the act before it soaked in) and on my living room rug. I was able to remove his bandages on Friday and I am happy to report that my kitty has returned to being normal. He has resumed usage of the litter box, hangs out on the side of the tub while I take my bubble baths, plays with his cat nip and noisy toys and curls up in my lap and demands that I pet him.

All in all, I feel terrible for putting him through the surgery. Some animals take to surgery without any issues, but it was clear that Boo was not one of them. I don't think that I will declaw another least not his age. I'm just glad that he returned back the kitty I once knew and still trusts me.

I can't understand how anyone in this world can abandon their animal. I have only had Boo for going on 3 weeks and I already love him so much that I can't imagine my home without him. I'm hardly able to live with myself for putting him through the pain of being declawed and to know that there is someone out there who just tossed him aside like a piece of trash baffles me.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wal Martians

I go to Wal Mart every Saturday and it never ceases to amaze me at just how stupid people can be. Here are some examples:

1. Self Checkout idiots - Why oh Why do people find it necessary to use the self checkout lane at Wal-Mart when they have a full cart of groceries or large boxed items that cannot be scanned. The purpose of the self check out lanes are for people who only have a few items so that they do not have to stand behind YOU in a long line. Do you really think that you will be able to check your groceries out quicker by yourself than if you were to go to a lane with a cashier. Do you really think that I enjoy waiting while you try to scan the same item over and over again because you cannot figure out how to do it properly? Do you really find it necessary to allow your children to try to scan the items? I know you are trying to train little Jimmy for his future career and to be just as inconsiderate and stupid as you but, could you please do it on your own time?

2. Parking Lot know, those people who are stalking each parking lane waiting for someone to come out of the store that is parked near the front. They like to block the entire lane so that no one can get around them while the person they stalked unloads their groceries into the car, returns the cart to the cart coral, walks back to their car and then finally back out. the parking lot stalker is known to leave little room for the person they have stalked to back out. I have never really been one to try to get a spot up front....I enjoy the is healthy for you and keeps you away from all of the "door dingers".

3. Cashiers - Gee thanks you stupid bitch for putting my nice fresh loaf of bread in a bag with my 2 liter bottle of soda. I always like eating smashed bread.

4. Aisle loiterers - you know, those people who decide to stop right in front of you and block the aisle with their shopping cart. They either stop to look at items (which is fine if they are considerate enough to pull the cart out of the middle of the aisle) or they stop to talk to someone they know in which that person blocks the aisle as well. When you politely say "excuse me" they look at you as if your the one who is the problem!

5. Crumb snatchers - Gotta love those people who feel the need to bring all 10 of their children to the store with them... they all seem to start crying at the same time don't they??

6. Cell Phone chatterers - gee, just what I hoped would happen, I get to walk behind you as you slowly stroll along talking on your cell phone as you try to guide your cart with one hand. Here's a tip....tell the person that you will call them back. IDIOT

7. Magazine readers - hope you enjoyed reading that magazine in the checkout lane. You could have used that time to place all of your items on the belt so that the cashier could ring them up and the line would proceed quicker.

8. Pet people - I recently acquired a cat so I never knew this problem existed until I began shopping for cat food. The cat food is located right next to all of the live fish tanks...Gotta love the stupid people who think its cute while little Jimmy slaps his hand against the fish tanks. The fish thank you....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Howdy Folks

Well, let's see....there's not much to talk about when it comes to the old Shanniebug. My favorite word is "whatever". I use it all day everyday. I like to use the word "whatever" because it usually pisses people off; if they are pissed off then they don't want to talk to me. If they don't want to talk to me, then it means they will leave me alone and will not ask me stupid questions!! I am a very impatient person in regards to just about everything. I pray each night that God will instill kindness and patience in me and it is something that I try to work on everyday. I'm not very successful though!! Even though I sound a bit negative, I am actually very happy with my life. It is the best that it has ever been and I am finally at peace with myself. I have the love of my life, a good job (most of the time) and good health. Who could ask for more?? Well, a million dollars would help but I don't want to press my luck!!

I live in a crazy little college town that really has nothing to offer unless you're a fan of our University college teams. I no longer drink so I do not feel the need to hang out in the bars. There is really no point in going to the bars in my area unless you are a college student or a hippie anyways although there are a few little pubs that serve great food.

I have a great boyfriend that I have waited all my life to find. He lives 5.5 hours from me which has been really difficult but helps us to appreciate one another more. He and I are very much in love and are both thankful to have found one another in this crazy world of ours. We have a lot in common and get along wonderfully and I couldn't ask for a better partner. I also have a new kitty cat that I have named Boo Boo. We are still getting to know one another but it is also looking like it is going to be a great relationship as well. I'll keep you posted on the progress!