Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gun Control

Enough said.......

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Great Pic's

Barack Obama visiting my hometown.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Job

I started my new job today. I definitely have a lot to learn!! Far more than what I had originally thought!

I know I'm up for the challenge though. I have to get used to working in such a relaxed atmosphere...and my co-workers are a little crazy...but I'm sure I'll adjust. Hell, I had better adjust....I can't quit this job too!

I have to get use to all of the driving also. The trip really isn't all that bad except for Hwy 36 and all of the evil traffic lights that I encounter on my way home. Again, this is something that I will adjust to as well.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Beginnings....Again!!

Submitted my resignation at my current job and will start a new one on April 2nd. We are going to be poor for a while because I took a rather large paycut....but, it will be worth it in the long run.

I had to learn the hard way that money cannot buy happiness. Well, that's not entirely true. Money can buy you things to make you happy but, you cannot truly enjoy those things if you have an aching dread in the back of your mind. It took a lot of guts for me to make this decision and I am more than certain that I have burned a few bridges along the way. Ultimately, I was not happy with my career and it was time that I made a change. It may come back to bite me in the ass when all is said and done but it will be worth it to at least take a chance and give it a try.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Random thoughts

I do not like working from home. I want to work in an office again....It is too lonely working from home....I need social interaction....I miss driving to and from the office everyday....I miss listening to the radio while driving...I actually miss having to dress up each day to go to work....I miss other human life forms....

I am driving home to Columbia next week for a business trip. I'm really excited about it!! I get to see my friends and, possibly, my family...if they have time for me.... I can't wait to drive around town without fighting massive traffic and I also want to check out my old apartment to see if it has been rented yet.

After the two days in Columbia, I will be really excited to return home to my love and our animals. I will probably start counting down the hours until I return home the moment I check into my hotel room....I'll get home next Wednesday and get all dolled up for my sweetie and greet him at the door when he gets home. I love my Bere...he makes everything better. I'm going to make him buy me a chicken dinner.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Funny Story

Sorry folks, but I this is funny. More power to the guy!! LOL,2933,320469,00.html